June 6, 2022 Admin

District Three Governmental Cooperative will hold a public hearing on its draft Fiscal Year 2023 Plan and Budget for Aging Services at 10:00 a.m. on July 8, 2022, at 4453 Lee Highway, Marion, VA 24354.  Written comments also will be accepted.  Copies of the plan summary are available by contacting the agency at that address…

March 16, 2022 Admin

It’s that time of year again! Farm Fresh applications are now being accepted! You can print the application below to fill out and mail OR call 276-783-2598. Leave your name, phone number and mailing address to have an application mailed to you! To qualify, you must be 60 or older, live in SWVA and meet…

March 8, 2022 Admin

This month’s ALZHEIMER’S/DEMENTIA Caregiver Support Group Meetings will be as follows: March 17th @ 5:00PM – Wytheville Baptist Church, 205 Church St, Wytheville, VA March 21st @ 6:00PM – Commonwealth Senior Living, 860 Wolf Creek Trail, Abingdon, VA March 24th @ 6:00PM – District Three Governmental Cooperative, 4453 Lee Highway, Marion, VA

June 30, 2021 Admin

District Three Governmental Cooperative is offering surplus transit vehicles for sale by sealed bid. The following vehicles are offered for sale: 2002 Ford Explorer – 274K miles  (minimum bid $800.00) 2007 Dodge Mini Van – 189K miles  (minimum bid $800.00) 2008 Ford Truck Dually – 247K miles  (minimum bid $5000) 2008 Dodge Avenger – 221K…

March 29, 2021 Admin

It’s that time of year again! Farm Fresh applications are now being accepted! You can print the application below to fill out and mail OR call 276-783-2598. Leave your name, phone number and mailing address to have an application mailed to you! To qualify, you must be 60 or older, live in SWVA and meet…

January 12, 2021 Admin

While District Three is still awaiting word as to when the vaccine will be offered to staff members, the Mount Rogers Health District has currently provided information for those 75 and older wishing to receive the COVID Vaccine. Mount Rogers Health District is currently vaccinating Phase 1b. Visit: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/mount-rogers/vaccine/ for more information. There are many…

December 8, 2020 Admin

Effective December 7, 2020 Homemaker services for in-home work will be temporarily suspended due to the increase in COVID cases in our area. Homemakers will make well-check phone calls with clients and continue grocery shopping/medicine pick-up for clients observing social distancing and PPE guidelines. Chore services will also have some restrictions effective December 7. The…

October 15, 2020 Admin

Governor Northam has approved November 3rd, 2020 (Election Day) as a Virginia State holiday. As such, District Three Governmental Cooperative will be closed to the public; however, Mountain Lynx Public Transit will operate as normal.

October 15, 2020 Admin

The Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) will provide counseling during the Medicare Part D open enrollment period which is October 15th – December 7th throughout District Three’s service area. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, VICAP Counselors will be unable to provide in-person appointments. Counselors will be available either on the phone or through…

September 17, 2020 Admin

Sept. 30th is the LAST day we can issue Farm Fresh coupons this year! You can fill out an application over the phone or in person at the Marion office (783-8157) or Galax office (236-5228). To qualify you must be 60 or older, live in S.W. Virginia, and meet the income guidelines. Books contain $45…