Featured Employees

Ronnie Blevins is a transit driver who has worked at District Three for three years. He is a native of Marion, Virginia. Ronnie is married to Ruby Blevins and has two children and four grandchildren. His interests include hunting, fishing, and farming.

Patricia Tolley is a Certified Site Manager for the Independence and Fries Friendship Cafés. She was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She is married to Ronald Tolley and they lived many years in Pennsylvania. Their family consists of one son, one daughter and three grandchildren. She loves visiting with her friends. She also likes to crochet and donates some of her goodies to the seniors for their spring fundraisers.

Charles VanHoy is a transit driver in the Marion area who has five years of service with the agency. Charles is a native of Marion and is marred to Patricia. He enjoys music and any type of sports.

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